Top 10 Essential Blockchain Books and Papers of 2023

3 min readFeb 14, 2024

Happy Year of the Dragon! To keep you informed about the latest advancements in blockchain technology, I have conducted a thorough review of the most significant literature in the field published in 2023.

By using the ‘Publish or Perish’ software for a targeted search on Google Scholar with the keyword ‘blockchain,’ and focusing on this year’s publications, I sifted through 992 articles. From this extensive collection, I selected the top ten based on their citation counts to share with you.

  1. Cited 302 times, “Blockchain for Dummies” by T. Laurence is an invaluable resource for those new to the blockchain space, breaking down complex ideas into understandable concepts.
  2. Cited 180 times, “Supply Chain Financing Using Blockchain” by TM Choi explores how blockchain technology can revolutionize supply chain financing, especially for fashionable products, enhancing both efficiency and transparency.
  3. Cited 176 times, “Non-fungible Token (NFT) Markets on the Ethereum Blockchain” by L. Ante provides a detailed examination of the NFT markets on Ethereum, analyzing their growth patterns and market interrelations.
  4. Cited 145 times, “A Framework of Blockchain-based Secure and Privacy-preserving E-government System” by N. Elisa and colleagues proposes a novel blockchain-based framework for e-government systems, aimed at improving data security and privacy.
  5. Cited 124 times, “Blockchain Adoption in Food Supply Chains” by N. Vu and his team reviews the application of blockchain in food supply chains and offers a framework for its implementation, aiming to enhance transparency and traceability.
  6. Also cited 124 times, “A Conceptual Framework for Blockchain Smart Contract Adoption to Manage Real Estate Deals in Smart Cities” by F. Ullah and F. Al-Turjman discusses the use of blockchain smart contracts to streamline real estate transactions in smart cities, aiming to improve efficiency and security.
  7. Cited 124 times, “Digital Transformation in the Healthcare Sector Through Blockchain Technology” by M. Massaro explores the critical role of blockchain in driving digital transformation in healthcare, focusing on patient care and data management improvements.
  8. Cited 122 times, “Blockchain in Food Supply Chains: A Literature Review and Synthesis Analysis” by K. Li and colleagues provides a comprehensive overview of blockchain applications in food supply chains, discussing the platforms, benefits, and challenges faced.
  9. Cited 118 times, “An Analysis of Strategies for Adopting Blockchain Technology in the Fresh Product Supply Chain” by X.Y. Wu, Z.P. Fan, and B.B. Cao presents strategies for implementing blockchain to improve safety and traceability in fresh product supply chains.
  10. Cited 115 times, “Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Integration in Business” by S. Kumar and his team conducts a bibliometric and content analysis on the integration of AI and blockchain in business, uncovering current trends and future prospects.

These publications highlight the ongoing scholarly and practical engagement with blockchain technology across various industries. From introductory guides to sophisticated applications in supply chains, real estate, healthcare, and beyond, they reveal the transformative potential of blockchain.

Please stay tuned to my posts, as I will be introducing the contents of each of these ten pivotal publications in upcoming articles.

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